Monday, October 22, 2007

So, I'm a Lifelong Learner

(Note to self: Learning 2.0, blogging, and migraine do not equal happy fun time. Nuh-uh.)

Ok, hi!

Got some off-desk time and finally watched the Lifelong Learning vid. What was the easiest of the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners? It's a toss-up between creating my own learning toolbox and using technology to my advantage. For the toolbox, I use whatever I can get my hands on to further my learning: books, web, radio, classes, mentors. It seems to be second nature to take and file away at least a little bit of something from everything I encounter. With technology, I try to use it whenever possible, or I should say, whenever it is efficient to do so, especially time or ease efficiency.

What's the hardest of the habits? I loathe goal-setting. I am easily discouraged by huge goals with lengthy timelines, so I like to break them up into smaller victories and successes. (These "23 Things" works well for me, rather than a big monster "YOU WILL MASTER ALL OF LEARNING 2.0 BY DECEMBER 31st" directive.) But even worse than that, probably, is that I don't tend to view problems as challenges, but more as crises that need to be solved; I react rather than resolve. Talk about lifelong learning--I'm still working on that one.

I can't even think about Flickr until next time, or why I can't make Blogger do all the stuff I want it to do and think it should do, like make a link, right on my blog, to the Learning 2.0 blog, so I don't have to dig through email every time.

Ok, now I must go crawl into a dark room and whimper. Kthnxbye.

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